Next Concerts


February 23rd, 2016

BBC Radio 3 Wigmore Hall lunchtime recital / Haydn, Brahms, Liszt, Bartók

“Kozhukhin combined poise, grace and a brilliant witty clarity … with sensitive lyricism … He brought a full, rounded tone to [the Brahms], his fortes and fortissimos muscular and colourful rather than simply loud.”

“[In the Liszt, he allowed us] to bask in sweet sonorities and ravishingly spacious phrases, creating a sense of relaxed ecstasy … his delicacy of touch and dynamic shadings made one believe the piano had lost its hammers as sounds shimmered and fluttered around the hall.”

“[The encores] further demonstrated his ability to segue apparently effortlessly between myriad styles and genres of music.”
Bachtrack, February 2016
