Next Concerts

Feb 21, 2025

Phoenix Symphony

Phoenix, United States

Ortiz: Téneek
Ravel: Menuet Antique (Mystery Piece)
Ravel: Piano Concerto in G
Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique

Venue: Phoenix Symphony Hall, Phoenix, United States

Link to the performance

Feb 22, 2025

Phoenix Symphony

Phoenix, United States

Ortiz: Téneek
Ravel: Menuet Antique (Mystery Piece)
Ravel: Piano Concerto in G
Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique

Venue: Phoenix Symphony Hall, Phoenix, United States

Link to the performance


March 16th, 2015

Denis returns for five concerts with the Hallé Orchestra in Manchester

Having made his debut with the orchestra last season, Denis Kozhukhin returns to the Hallé at the end of March for five performances of Prokofiev Piano Concerto No.1. Playing under the baton of Karl-Heinz Steffens, Denis gives three concerts at Manchester’s Bridgewater Hall (25, 26 and 29 March), and also at Sheffield City Hall (27 March) and Westmorland Hall, Kendal (28 March).

Also this month, Denis returns to the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark for two concerts on 19 and 20 March. Having given solo recitals at the Museum in February 2013, he returns this time not only to perform solo works by Haydn and Brahms but also Dvořák Piano Quintet with the Pavel Haas Quartet.

Watch a video of Denis playing Prokofiev created by the Louisiana Museum.
