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Aug 1, 2024

BBC Prom, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra with Vasily Pentrenko

London, United Kingdom

Ravel: Piano Concerto in G major

Venue: Royal Albert Hall


February 27th, 2015

A wonderfully empathetic and intelligent ‘piano whisperer’

Denis Kozhukhin proves himself here to be a wonderfully empathetic and intelligent ‘piano whisperer’. … Mere effects are not his thing, something which Kozhukhin makes clear from the very first note. His touch, his articulation – all is sensitively balanced and displays an almost crystalline precision. This is combined with an exceptionally discriminating and subtle use of pedal, which at most adds nuance to the sound colours of the Haydn sonatas’ finely woven motif progressions, but without blurring them… Denis Kozhukhin delights with his playing of Haydn where every detail is individually illuminated despite a variety of emphases and colours.

BR Klassik, February 2015
