Next Concerts
Mar 9, 2025
Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra
Ashdod, Israel
Rossini: La gazza ladra: Overture
Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2
Brahms: Symphony No. 4
Venue: Pais Ashdod Performing Arts Center, Israel
Mar 10, 2025
Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
Rossini: La gazza ladra: Overture
Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2
Brahms: Symphony No. 4
Venue: Heichal HaTarbut Petah Tikva, Israel
September 17th, 2014
Denis Kozhukhin releases Haydn sonatas disc on ONYX Classics
September 2014 sees Denis release his second recital album, of four Haydn keyboard sonatas, on ONYX Classics. The disc, recorded at the legendary Teldex Studio in Berlin, features sonatas nos.38, 39, 47 and 59, music that has been unjustly neglected and yet contains some of Haydn’s most inventive and forward-looking music.
The new recording follows the success of Denis’s debut album of Prokofiev’s ‘War Sonatas’. “On the strength alone of these interpretations and realisations, it may well be that Denis Kozhukhin can be considered as the leader of the pack of Russian pianists currently under forty,” was the verdict of Classical Source. “A stunning tour de force,” commented BBC Music Magazine. “I’ve never heard so much revelatory detail in Prokofiev’s triptych of dark and painful masterpieces. Kozhukhin has a way of bringing out the details of the inner parts, or even a usually inconsequential-seeming bass line, that highlights the drama instead of detracting from it…”
The new album is released on 29 September 2014. Click here for full details, including audio clips.