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Aug 1, 2024

BBC Prom, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra with Vasily Pentrenko

London, United Kingdom

Ravel: Piano Concerto in G major

Venue: Royal Albert Hall


July 25th, 2012

City of London Festival / Mussorgsky

“Kozhukhin’s intensity was expressed through colour and wit and a keen sense of pacing, particularly in the closing piece, Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. He brought out the humour in the ‘Ballad of the Unhatched Chicks’ unexpected stops and starts, and the wicked glints in ‘The Hut on Fowl’s Legs’. The final picture, the ‘Great Gate of Kiev’, pushes some pianists beyond their limit. But in Kozhukhin’s hands it rose to the final peroration with magnificent, unforced grandeur.”
The Daily Telegraph, July 2012
