Next Concerts

Aug 1, 2024

BBC Prom, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra with Vasily Pentrenko

London, United Kingdom

Ravel: Piano Concerto in G major

Venue: Royal Albert Hall


September 11th, 2011

Recital at Montreux Chateau de Chillon / Haydn, Brahms, Liszt

“He excelled himself in Brahms’ superb sonata no.1, which is played all too rarely. Polyphony, power, touch; everything was there. With its plaintive melody, thundering depths, and crystal-clear counterpoint in the upper voices, the first movement flew by, bouncing around like a jack-in-a-box. Kozhukin evoked both intimacy and majesty, driving the Andante with fantastic phrasing, intelligence and purity, and infusing the finale with a touch of Beethoven. This repertoire was clearly made for him.”
